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    Week 5: Augmented Reality in Education

    Writer's picture: Zoe LennonZoe Lennon

    Updated: Mar 29, 2023

    Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays virtual objects into the physical environment to coexist in the same space as objects in the real world (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017). AR has transformed education by having information readily available at the exact time and location needed (Bower et al., 2014). This allows students progressive and increased understanding of key concepts and ultimately greater independence within the learning process (Geroimenko, 2020).

    (Octagon Studio, 2017)

    AR can be implemented in the classroom in a variety of ways, one specific way is using Dinosaur 4D+. Dinosaurs 4D+ is an application that, when paired with flashcards, allows users to explore and interact with realistic three-dimensional models of dinosaurs within their environment which would not be possible without AR (Octagon Studio, 2016). This technology can be implemented in an Early Stage 1 Science lesson, when achieving the outcome STe-3LW-ST, as students learn about living things, their features and need for survival which can include exploring dinosaurs’ characteristics and how they lived (NESA, 2017).

    Scan here!

    AR can aid students to understand complex content through a comprehensive learning experience (Yoon et al., 2017). With Dinosaur 4D+, students are provided with thorough information on various species of dinosaurs including their habitat, physical and behavioural features. The application allows for multimodal learning as it features visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic modes and provides the option to have the information simplified which allows for further differentiation for students in the classroom.

    (Source: Zoe Lennon)

    Pedagogical implications of this technology within the classroom include the potential for distraction within the classroom as students may become more interested in the features of the application than the actual learning content (Pombo & Marques, 2020). Furthermore, if educators have a limited technical understanding of AR, students may become disengaged with the lesson if technical problems arise (Billinghurst & Duenser, 2012).

    (Source: Zoe Lennon)

    Dinosaur 4D+ can foster creativity in the classroom through constructivist learning which highlights that students understanding of their world is best developed when they are active participants in their learning (Keengwe, Onchwari & Agamba, 2014). Students can spark their imagination by the exploration and interaction with AR which enables students to have new ideas and perspectives (Kisno, Wibawa, Khaerudin, 2022). AR allows for further engagement of tasks as the technology enhances an immersive experience for students which encourages them to make meaningful and lasting connections with concepts of learning (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017).

    (Source: Zoe Lennon)


    Akçayır, M., & Akçayır, G. (2017). Advantages and challenges associated with augmented reality for education: A systematic review of the literature. Educational Research Review, 1–11.

    Billinghurst, M., & Duenser, A. (2012). Augmented reality in the classroom.

    Bower, M., Howe, C., Mccredie, N., Robinson, A., & Grover, D. (2014). Augmented reality in education: Cases, places and potentials. Educational Media International, 51(1), 1–15.

    Geroimenko, V. (2020). Augmented reality in education: A new technology for teaching and learning. Springer International Publishing.

    Keengwe, J., Onchwari, G., & Agamba, J. (2014). Promoting effective e-learning practices through the constructivist pedagogy. Education and Information Technologies, 19(4), 887–898.

    Kisno, Wibawa, B., & Khaerudin. (2022). Digital storytelling for early childhood creativity. Diffusion of innovation: 3-D coloring quiver application based on augmented reality technology in children’s creativity development. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering, 18(10), 26–42.

    NSW Education Standards Authority [NESA]. (2017). Science and technology, K-6 syllabus.

    Octagon Studio. (2016). Our products: Dinosaur 4D+.

    Octagon Studio. (2017). How to use dinosaur 4D+ augmented reality flashcards. Youtube.

    Pombo, L., & Marques, M. M. (2020). The potential educational value of mobile augmented reality games: The case of EduPARK app. Education Sciences, 10(10).

    Yoon, S., Anderson, E., Lin, J., & Elinich, K. (2017). How augmented reality enables conceptual understanding of challenging science content. Educational Technology & Society, 20(1), 156–168.

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    Jeremy Segal
    Jeremy Segal
    Apr 03, 2023

    Hi Zoe This is an incredible blog! You have effectively highlighted the importance and impact of Dinosaur 4D+ and how it can be used to learn science concepts while utilising Digital technologies. I am sure the students will readily engage with this concept by interacting with the dinosaurs. In addition, I really enjoyed how you included the use of effective pedagogies, as they will enhance students' understanding and appreciation of the lesson itself and give them a sense of autonomy and control over the dinosaurs. I think that Early Stage 1 students may find it difficult to read the blurbs and concepts of each dinosaur, but simply looking at and observing different types of dinosaurs would be effective for students to evaluate…


    Eva Kostopoulos
    Eva Kostopoulos
    Apr 02, 2023

    Hi Zoe,

    What an informative blog post of incorporating Augmented Reality into the classroom! It is evident of the in depth research that had gone into this topic, as well as the multiple multimodal use of videos and photos of the application of Dinosaur 4D+. Further, I appreciate how you have used this technology to foster creativity with students, through the example of an Early Stage 1 Science lesson which uses the NESA outcome provided. Overall, this is an impressive blog post and the use of AR in the classroom which is supported through the constructivist learning for students

    Eva Kostopoulos 02/04/23


    Harrison Britton
    Harrison Britton
    Apr 02, 2023

    It was great that you explored the pedagogical limitations of AR in the classroom; this was succinct and easy to understand that its effectiveness as a learning tool is directly linked to how well it is administered. I would've loved for you to explore solutions to avoid students from getting distracted.

    I also really liked how you explained how technology fosters creativity by creating an immersive experience for students and thus causing them to be active participants in their learning.

    It would also be interesting to understand whether the implementation of AR technology is particularly beneficial for students who struggle with traditional modes of learning, or its comparison to other multimodal

    Harrison Britton (2.4.23)



    Ashleigh Norsa
    Ashleigh Norsa
    Mar 28, 2023

    How interesting, I would not have thought about using Dinosaurs 4D+ in the classroom, but this blog post really opened my eyes to the benefits of using it. I really like your direct links to the syllabus, and that you addressed the limitations of the technology in the classroom.

    I would've loved to see your thoughts on how this tech could be used to foster creativity in students, but overall you've done a great job!



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